Prasanna Kulkarni gets admission at NITK

Namaste sir..........
This is Prasanna Kulkarni ........ am very happy to tell that i got selected to NITK Surathkal MTech(CSE).......................finally..... there was also lot of competation actualy there was only 13 seats for GM students & 66 people were called for an intreview....... i did well in that ......
This time 45K people in CSE branch took the GATE................. where it was only 18K in 2008 GATE............... so last time the cutoff for IIT's was 600 all india rank. but this time it was 440......... I missed the IIT Kanpur By only 2 Marks........................
I had option in IIT Guwati......... But Our NITK is Better than those........... Our NITK is Top1 among all the NIT's...................
So plz inform this msg to our batch mates in your words...........................
Thanks to our CSE Dept...........................................